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TCE Group (PK+) Announces Expansion of Partnership with IBM

Our team is thrilled to announce the expansion of our partnership with IBM, marking a significant leap forward in healthcare technology through By harnessing the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) and cutting-edge Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and techniques, we're revolutionizing medical reporting. Our dynamic reporting APIs offer seamless integration while eliminating the need for precise dictation or manual data entry.


In one application, This breakthrough translates to saving five to ten minutes per doctor-patient encounter, streamlining workflows, and empowering physicians to prioritize patient care. Leveraging innovative strategies that process and understand natural language, including semantic and sentiment analysis combined with LLM capabilities for question answering, summarization, and text generation, we're achieving unparalleled contextual understanding of medical documents. This ensures accuracy and precision in report generation while optimizing time and cost for clinicians.


The integration of these advanced features into our platform,, empowers specialists to deliver their expertise within optimal timeframes, thereby elevating the quality and efficiency of medical services.

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