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Join Our Webinar on Challenges with Medical Waste | April 24th


WEBINAR: Purchasing, Process, and Disposal: Overcoming Challenges Around Healthcare Waste 

APR 24 | 1:00 p.m. CT - 2:00 p.m. ET

Healthcare organizations across the nation are dealing with increased pressures and challenges around waste management due to a number of factors, such as increased regulatory scrutiny, disposal capacity, and decarbonization efforts. Join Chris Bodkin, Manager of Data & Partner Relations, Waste & Circular Economy Subject Matter Expert Practice Greenhealth & Healthcare Without Harmand Alex Chapman, Director of Regulatory Affairs at Stericycle as they discuss current challenges and a process organizations can follow to improve sustainable and compliant outcomes with waste management.


Alex Chapman

Director of Regulatory Affairs

Alex has over 15 years’ experience developing and managing regulatory compliance programs. She has helped multiple organizations reach their goals by creating safe, sustainable environments for themselves, their employees, and the communities they serve through compliant alignment to ESG principles.


Christopher Bodkin

Manager of Data & Partner Relations, Waste & Circular Economy Subject Matter Expert Practice Greenhealth & Healthcare Without Harm

Christopher has been working in healthcare sustainability for over 12 years. Christopher has deep expertise in the topics of chemicals, greening the OR, food, climate, energy, transportation, water, sustainable procurement, green buildings, and leads the work on healthcare waste and plastics for Practice Greenhealth. His focus is measuring sustainability in the healthcare sector through data to drive meaningful outcomes for people and the planet. Christopher owns a circular economy consulting and manufacturing firm that recycles medical plastics into sustainable products. Christopher was named to GreenBiz's 30 Under 30 list for 2018.

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