Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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How to Effectively Communicate with Pharmacy Patients

This article was originally posted in its entirety on NimbleRx's blog:

Your patients are the lifeblood of your pharmacy practice — the countless hours you put into improving and expanding your business are in service of them. You probably stock more medications, explore new health technology, and coordinate wellness programs to meet their needs, but are you falling short on one of the most critical parts of the pharmacist-patient relationship?

It’s easy to make assumptions about how your patients want to be communicated to and miss out on crucial opportunities to provide the best level of care. Let’s challenge some common misconceptions about patient communications by demographics and gain insights into how you can supercharge your patient experience through enhanced messaging strategies.

The Importance of Communication for Pharmacies

Besides the few minutes you spend with patients doing consultations every month, or maybe even less frequently, it’s incredibly difficult to ensure you have 100% of their attention. This becomes a barrier to care when you need to communicate refill reminders, important notices about their orders, and even just general best practices and wellness education. Read more >

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