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Succeeding in the Digital Age: Nimble’s Mobile-First Capabilities

This article was originally posted in its entirety on NimbleRx's blog:

Taking stock of patients today, you would be hard-pressed to find ones without a smartphone in their hands. And the phenomena of mobile-first living isn’t exclusive to younger folks — data shows that patients of all ages are increasingly reliant on the internet and their phones to manage their days. Reporting by Pew Research found that 61% of those 65 and older own a smartphone and 75% of that same age group claimed to be regular internet users.

Couple those generational statistics with the fact that over 285 million Americans are projected to shop online by 2028 — and the facts point to your patient base being very comfortable with, or even preferring, mobile technology.

We’re constantly on the pulse of what’s making waves across industries to build the technology pharmacies need to succeed and grow. That’s why we’ve invested in mobile-first patient solutions. Let’s explore why mobile-first is important for pharmacies, what changes we’ve made at Nimble to adapt to mobile trends, and how you can set your practice up for success in the mobile age.

Why Nimble Is Investing in Mobile-First

At Nimble it’s our goal to provide your patients with the best possible pharmacy experience. In practice, this means we’re committed to making ordering, purchasing, and receiving their medications as seamless as possible. 

Our research and experience have found that an app-centric approach yields the best possible results for both you and your patients. When examining patient behavior we found that although patients check out at the same rate, the patients that download the mobile app have higher refill rates over time and enjoy the Nimble experience more. Read more >

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