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Med Carts and Accessories

Med Carts and Accessories is a division of Surplus Equipment Company, a leading distributor of Lozier Pharmacy Shelving, Flex Rx Shelving, pharmacy cabinets, and store fixtures. We created to provide an easy-to-use, one-stop-shop for all your retail and pharmacy fixture needs. We are pleased to offer a complete line of mobile transport solutions for the hospital, healthcare, and education markets. Our healthcare carts come in a variety of drawer and compartment configurations to fit your unique storage situation. Our color options will fit most any décor! We offer convenient online ordering or we would be happy to discuss your order over the phone! Please visit our website for further information or give us a call 800-934-6798.


Surplus Equipment Co.

4216 W. Dr. M.L. King

St. Louis, MO 63113

TOLL-FREE: 800-934-6798

PHONE: 314-534-1081

FAX: 314-534-0583

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Automation: Med Carts, Computer Carts, COWs