Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Medication Carts and Accessories

Maximize the capacity of your med carts by taking advantage of the adjustable drawer dividers that allow for an additional 150 cards per cart vs. a similar size from another manufacturer. Q-Series carts are made from lightweight aluminum and provide modular components that allow you to refurbish your carts in the future for a portion of the cost of a full replacement. These E-MAR compatible carts are available for various systems, including pill cards, strip packs, unit dose, and several multi-dose options. All Q Series carts are offered in four finishes — cream, cherry wood, oak wood, or walnut wood, and are available in four sizes: Q2-450, Q3-600, Q4-750, and Q5-900. Special Space Saving Carts for group homes and Treatment Carts are also available. View our online brochure at Rx Systems, Inc. is a family owned full-service provider of pharmacy packaging and supplies including labels, bags, vials, Eyecon Pill Counter, and LTC packaging for community and institutional pharmacies.

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Automation: Med Carts, Computer Carts, COWs