Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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5 Bad Habits That Are Holding Your Pharmacy Back

As an independent pharmacy owner, you have a lot on your plate, so it may be tempting to let certain things slip every now and again. However, it’s important not to let busy days snowball into bad habits that will negatively impact your business over time. Here are five bad habits that may be holding your pharmacy back and how your software can help you break them:

Neglecting your inventory.

From rotating items on your shelves to monitoring expiration dates and slow-moving items, it’s important to have a handle on your inventory. Otherwise, you may end up limiting your cash flow and reducing profits as products collect dust on the shelves or end up being tossed. To prevent this, we recommend following the first-in, first-out rule, placing newer items behind older ones on your shelves. You should also run sales and inventory reports regularly (ideally monthly) to keep an eye on expiration dates and sales trends. Plus, you can use our Scheduled Reports feature to send operational reports automatically at the frequency of your choosing. Read more >

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