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Rees Scientific Leads the Way in Automated Monitoring for Blood and Tissue Banking

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, precision and safety are paramount. Nowhere is this more evident than in the critical realm of blood and tissue banking, where the quality and integrity of stored samples can mean the difference between life and death. Enter Rees Scientific, the undisputed leader in the automated monitoring industry for blood and tissue banking. With a commitment to excellence and a track record of innovation, Rees Scientific has been at the forefront of ensuring the security and reliability of these vital resources.

The Beginning of Rees Scientific

Rees Scientific was founded on the belief that automation could transform the way blood and tissue banks operate. Its journey began over four decades ago when the company recognized a need for a comprehensive monitoring system that could ensure the integrity of stored samples. They envisioned a world where manual temperature and environmental monitoring errors would be a thing of the past, and data could be gathered in real time, providing peace of mind to those responsible for preserving these life-saving resources. Read more >

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