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Optimizing and Innovating Personalized Pharmaceutical Care

Optimizing and Innovating Personalized Pharmaceutical Care

Fagron is a global compounding company that sets the standard in premium quality bulk drug and excipients and manufactures innovative global brands in the form of creams, lotions, syrups, and suspending vehicles, such as TrichoConcept, Fagron Advanced Derma, SyrSpend, and UniSpend. They offer FagronLab, their own line of compounding equipment and supplies to fit every pharmaceutical need. Fagron, Inc. is a VAWD-accredited, FDA-registered, and inspected facility located in St. Paul, MN that adheres to cGMP requirements. Incoming chemicals are checked to assure compliance with standards of the USP/NF and other compendia. Because Fagron is dedicated to widening the therapeutic scope of the prescriber to enable tailor-made pharmaceutical care, they offer a wide range of educational offerings through Fagron Academy and excellent technical support services.


Fagron, Inc.

2400 Pilot Knob Road

St. Paul, MN 55120

PHONE: 800-423-6967

FAX: 800-339-1596

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