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Helping Independent Pharmacy’s With Retail Business Solutions

Helping Independent Pharmacy’s With Retail Business Solutions

At Pharm AssessRBS, our goal is to assist independent retail pharmacy owners achieve the highest level of business success. We bring a comprehensive Retail Business Solution (RBS) designed to enhance profitability for each pharmacy and provide operational assistance to independent retail pharmacies. We do this by managing compliance with the pharmacy and staff credentialing, providing third party payer audit assistance, performing third party payer contract review for all payers, managing cash prescription pricing, reconciliation of third party payer claims, production of financial reporting, patient savings program to reduce out of pocket expense, and offering 340B program oversight. We include access to ancillary services at no additional fee such as iMedicare, Blood Pressure Kiosks, and much more. Pharm Assess is a pharmacist owned and operated company in business for over 20 years. We have pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, analysts with financial degrees, PBM (managed care) experience, and internal IT professionals to support most programs we administer. Each client is assigned an account manager. This enables Pharm Assess to assist your independent pharmacy within all levels pertaining to your business needs.


Pharm Assess, Inc.

P.O. Box 12428

Overland Park, KS 66282

TOLL-FREE: 888-255-6526

PHONE: 913-897-4343

FAX: 888-512-1381

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