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9 Helpful Tips for Scaling Your LTC Pharmacy

You run a successful long-term care (LTC) pharmacy business. Your facility customers and their residents are happy. Your operations run like a well-oiled machine. You’re well-known and respected in your community

But you’re also ready to take the next step. What does growth look like in the LTC pharmacy business? Below we’ll share helpful tips for scaling.

1. Assess Your Current Operations

If you’re planning to grow your LTC pharmacy business, you should start by assessing your current operations. Evaluate your existing pharmacy workflows and ask the right questions: What’s working? What’s not working? Which inefficient, outdated processes could benefit from an overhaul?

Starting off with a close look at your pharmacy’s operations will help you identify opportunities for improvement as well as any potential limitations. This way, you can address any initial challenges, avoid mistakes, develop a strategic plan based on the current state of your business, and set a scalable foundation for what’s ahead.

2. Implement the Right Technology

Scaling a pharmacy business is no doubt challenging—but the process can be simplified quite a bit with the right technology to support your growth efforts. Investing in a pharmacy management system—as well as any complementary tools—will enable you to automate manual processes to scale more efficiently.

When you’re evaluating pharmacy management systems, it’s important to look for one like FrameworkLTC that's specifically designed for long-term care. LTC pharmacy software is purpose-built with certain nuances in mind. For example, robust billing tools help navigate prescription billing changes that are unique to LTC pharmacies. Many systems also offer the ability to customize based on facility and patient requests. Read more >

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