Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Reduce the Impact of Staff Shortages With Smarter Purchasing

 Learn how to reduce the burden of staff shortages through smarter purchasing. See how.

You can never have too many knowledgeable, dedicated pharmacy professionals. Unfortunately, national statistics and input from those in the field indicate many pharmacies across the United States are understaffed.

With a huge volume of patients with complex health needs visiting their local pharmacy every day, pharmacy teams are taking on more roles to meet patient and business needs. This is a huge responsibility for staff. It often leads to burnout, meaning a further reduction in the pharmacy workforce.

For success amidst rising staff shortages and other challenges, pharmacies need to save money, increase efficiency and make their work easier while ensuring compliance with trade partners and regulations. This will counterbalance the impact of staff shortages. It will also help pharmacies retain the skilled personnel that their patients know and trust.

This white paper will show how pharmacies can reduce the burden of staff shortages through smarter purchasing: unifying purchasing and inventory to optimize buying decisions and discover money-saving opportunities from their entire partner catalog while streamlining their operations and ensuring compliance. First, we’ll examine the origins and impact of staff shortages.

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