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5 Ways to Offset the Impact of DIR Fees with Smarter Purchasing Strategies

Learn how pharmacies can use smarter purchasing to ease the impact of DIR fees, stay on top of compliance and work more efficiently.

Let’s explore today’s DIR challenges for pharmacies and show how smart buying choices can lead to significant benefits. By leveraging SureCost, pharmacies can save more, stay within the rules and work smarter. Ready to dive in?

Defining DIR Fees and Their Evolution

DIR fees in pharmacy reimbursement have shifted from being a mechanism to promote better services and patient outcomes, to a significant financial burden. Initially, these fees were reconciled annually, posing challenges in financial predictability for pharmacies. Over time, the complexity of DIR fees has escalated, with pharmacies struggling to forecast their actual costs and reimbursement rates. This shift has led to a growing financial strain on pharmacies. Effective financial management has become more challenging, compounded by the uncertainty and potential magnitude of fee assessments.

The Double Impact of DIR Fees

In 2024, DIR fees changed, hitting pharmacies twice as hard. Before, fees were charged after the fact, causing financial surprises for pharmacies and higher costs for patients. Now, these fees are included upfront in prices, making costs clearer, but not lessening the financial burden1. This change has significantly affected many pharmacies’ operations, with a large number of pharmacies reporting severe impacts, leading to staff cuts and reduced hours.

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