Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Total Pharmacy Workflow Solutions

Total Pharmacy Workflow Solutions

Ranging from large integrated networks, retail chains, or a single-site location, the Beacon® Inventory Management System gives you dashboards and reports that empower your business to reduce inventory holding costs at any level and in any size organization. Beacon uses pick-to-light technology for rapid, accurate dispensing. These features create a safe, accurate, and efficient process from beginning to end, ensuring that patients receive not only the correct medications but all of their medications! Beacon fits into small spaces, allowing more prescriptions to be filled in a shorter time, and with DeliverRx™ will-call management, decreases will-call retrieval time while reducing inventory costs. It makes all of the processes in your pharmacy more systematic and reportable.

N1671 Powers Lake Road
Powers Lake, WI 53159
PHONE: 262-279-5307
FAX: 262-279-5360

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