Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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VIDEO SERIES: Onsite Specialty Pharmacies For 340B Hospitals (Part 4 of 6)

(NOTE: On April 10, ProxsysRx released an announcement of its recently-signed contract to build and manage a specialty pharmacy for Massachusetts’ Holyoke Medical Center.)

In the video below, ProxsysRx’s experts discuss the topic of negative reimbursements, and how your hospital’s specialty pharmacy can avoid them.

Discussion Topics Include:

What causes negative reimbursement. 

Overlooking 340B dispense status.

Receiving 340B specialty pharmacy drugs without PBM access.

Accessing a 340B hospital’s payor network.

Overcoming 340B PBM / payor hurdles.

Securing copay assistance for specialty drugs.

Performing prior authorizations for specialty drugs.

If you’ve missed previous videos in our series, Click Here.

ProxsysRx is here to help. 

For more information on how ProxsysRx helps 340B health systems build and fund specialty pharmacies, visit our website. Or contact Howard Hall. C: 214.808.2700 |

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