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Shipments Under DSCSA: Get Ready for Direct, Drop, 340B, Returns and Other Transactions

Not all shipments are equal under the DSCSA. The mandate for exchanging serialized T2 data has added significant logistical complexity to some special shipping scenarios, which may delay shipping and receiving operations if you aren’t prepared for them.

This webinar explores some of these unique shipping scenarios, diving into what you can do to ensure the necessary serialized product data reaches the right entities. Watch to learn:

- How the new DSCSA EDDS requirements impact scenarios like drop shipments, 340B, and returns.

- Why conventional approaches for managing these shipments aren’t practical under the new item-level serialization requirements.

- Why a network-based solution is the key to streamlining serialized T2 data exchange and ensuring compliant, efficient shipping and receiving processes.

Don’t let these unique shipment scenarios disrupt the flow of product. Watch this webinar today.

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