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TraceLink: Leading Industry Readiness with More than 26,000 Companies Already Enabled for DSCSA Compliance

BOSTON, MA - (February 27, 2024) - As the United States Drug Supply Chain Security Act (U.S. DSCSA) approaches its full regulatory enforcement deadline on November 27, 2024, there has been a significant increase in preparation activities among TraceLink customers and their trading partners. Key statistics highlighting the industry’s progress on TraceLink include: 

- Over 1,300 TraceLink customers and partners are already exchanging DSCSA Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) messages, well ahead of the November deadline. 

- More than 1.7 million DSCSA EPCIS transactions have been exchanged by TraceLink customers in the past 12 months.

- Over 1 million of these EPCIS transactions occurred in the last 90 days alone, indicating rapid acceleration and maturation in readiness efforts. 

- 26,070 companies have already been successfully enabled for DSCSA compliance on TraceLink, and they have created over 47,000 links to exchange EPCIS information. Read more >

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