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Shipments Under DSCSA: Unpacking the Complexities of Special Shipping Scenarios

When the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act was ratified, it established new requirements for the exchange of serialized T2 data at each step of the supply chain. However, there are several unique shipment scenarios that can complicate the exchange of the necessary compliance data. This can disrupt shipment and receiving processes, even leading to costly delays.

We caught up with Dan Walles, Global Manager of Traceability & Compliance at TraceLink, to discuss how the Enhanced Drug Distribution Security (EDDS) requirements of the DSCSA impact shipments and what you need to do to handle these scenarios.

How does the DSCSA impact shipments?

Under the DSCSA, serialized T2 data must be sent to the recipient along with the physical product before the product can be sold or shipped further down the supply chain. Read more >

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