Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Prescription for Success: Live Oak Pharmacy Lending

In the intricate landscape of pharmacy ownership, securing financial support is akin to finding the perfect formulation—a blend of expertise, understanding, and unwavering support. Live Oak Pharmacy Lending has been the trusted partner for over 660 independent pharmacists, injecting over one billion dollars of support into their aspirations.


The team at Live Oak Bank exclusively focuses on community pharmacies, understanding the essentials of pharmacy operations firsthand every single day. Their expertise helps navigate the challenges, assuring the pharmacy not only survives but thrives in the competitive market.

Like a compounding pharmacist, Live Oak customizes financial solutions to the unique needs of its customers. They provide the composition whether seeking to acquire an existing pharmacy, expanding offerings, or investing in real estate.

Led by industry veteran Mike Bollinger, the team offers more than loans. They provide in-depth knowledge because they know this market and what a pharmacy needs for success.

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Financing, Banking, Business Loans