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3 Ways Pharmacies Can Ensure a Stress-Free Audit

Audits can be time-consuming and stressful, especially complex business audits. Over the years, pharmacy audits have become increasingly common, making them virtually impossible to avoid, despite your best efforts. Plus, if your pharmacy is already stretched thin being audited can be even more challenging. Fortunately, there are things you can do proactively to ensure any future audits go as smoothly as possible. Here are three ways pharmacies can ensure a stress-free audit: 

Maintain Thorough Digital Documentation

Many Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) now perform virtual audits, enabling them to review more claims – in more detail – than ever before. As a result, pharmacies are being asked to provide larger amounts of data each time they’re audited. Obtaining and submitting this information can be a tedious, time-consuming task, especially if the pharmacy doesn’t have a system in place to capture, store and retrieve vital documentation. Utilizing digital documentation is an easy, effective way to organize your pharmacy records. In fact, you can leverage your BestRx software to:

• Receive and process electronic prescriptions.

• Submit prior authorizations and claims to payors.

• Create eCare plans and other patient counseling notes.

• Store patient and prescription records.

• Capture and save images, faxes and more. 

These electronic records make it much easier and faster to locate the documents you need in the event of an audit.

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