Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Seamless Service with Return Solutions

Pharmacies — say goodbye to the headache of managing multiple returns and waiting weeks for reimbursement. Return Solutions’ OneCheck Select program means the pharmacy will receive a single check for all expired pharmaceutical return credits in as few as ten days. Simplify the pharmaceutical returns process and boost cash flow with OneCheck Select.


This drug return program eliminates the need for pharmacies to track credits, freeing up valuable time for dedicated patient care and pharmacy operations. Clear and concise check stubs indicate the exact funds received from each manufacturer. The all-inclusive fee, a fixed percentage of the credit value, is deducted from the check. There are no hidden charges or surprises.

Return Solutions makes it even simpler and faster by having on-site service. An experienced representative can take care of the entire return from start to finish. Pharmacies schedule an appointment, and a dedicated representative spends 2-3 hours scanning for outdated items. The specialist also boxes and seals all items and schedules a FedEx pickup.

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This post is related to:

Returns, Reverse Distribution