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PharmaLink Inc. and Recall Results, Inc. Announce Strategic Partnership to Enhance Drug Safety and Recall Efficiency

[Largo, FL] — PharmaLink Inc., a national leader in pharmaceutical reverse distribution, and Recall Results, a prominent provider of comprehensive recall management and support services, today announced a strategic partnership aimed at enhancing drug safety and recall efficiency in the pharmaceutical industry.

This groundbreaking collaboration leverages PharmaLink Inc.’s expertise in pharmaceutical returns processing and Recall Results’ specialized knowledge and advanced technologies for managing complex recalls. Together, they introduce an innovative approach to ensure that the process of drug recalls, withdrawals, and market actions are more efficient, accurate, and responsive to public health needs.

The partnership will focus on developing integrated systems and technologies to streamline the recall process with the full ability to support recalls of any class all the way to the patient level. By combining PharmaLink’s vast reverse logistics experience with Recall Results’ sophisticated recall tracking capabilities, the two companies aim to significantly reduce the time it takes to identify and respond to potentially harmful pharmaceutical products that may exist in the marketplace. Read more >

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