Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Footprint Expansion Continues

Last year, Smith Drug Company announced the merger of Burlington Drug Company within the J M Smith Corporation. Moving pharmacy forward in 2018, Smith Drug Company has announced the opening of a fifth green field distribution center in Carey, Ohio. The projected opening date is slated for spring 2018. The addition of the Carey distribution center provides new opportunity for pharmacies in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania to partner with a premier, full line, pharmaceutical distributor. Smith Drug Company and Burlington Drug Company’s long-standing history of excellent service is enhanced by a consultative approach to assist in moving pharmacy forward. Supporting the consultative approach, the complete suite of HealthWise Pharmacy Solutions provide answers for both a pharmacies business and patient care needs. In addition, the pharmacist-led management team provides consulting to promote improved operations for increased pharmacy growth, stability, patient loyalty and increased profits. Smith Drug Company and Burlington Drug Company’s ongoing growth, expansion, and cutting-edge technology; in combination with a pharmacist-led management team and experienced, consultative sales force, continue to make business better for pharmacy. 


Smith Drug Company

9098 Fairforest Road Spartanburg, SC 29301

TOLL-FREE: 800-542-1216

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