Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Why Pharmacies Should Purchase Beyond the Top 200 for More Savings and Benefits

Discover how pharmacies can unlock significant pharmacy savings by purchasing beyond the Top 200 most commonly prescribed medications. Read more.

Pharmacies often purchase within the list of the 200 most commonly prescribed medications, known as the “Top 200.” This list helps pharmacies gauge demand and maintain adequate stock levels. However, while adhering to the Top 200 may seem practical, it doesn’t always offer the best purchasing options.

Unlock More Pharmacy Savings  Beyond the Top 200

Purchasing outside the Top 200 can unlock significant savings opportunities. Pharmacies that explore beyond this list often find themselves in a less competitive market, which can lead to reduced costs. 

Based on SureCost’s own customer data, on average, purchasing outside the Top 200 has been shown to reduce pharmacies' cost of goods sold (COGS) by approximately 11%. In 2023, retail pharmacies that purchased outside the Top 200 enjoyed even lower COGS compared to long-term care (LTC) pharmacies.

We have consistently observed this trend: pharmacies are increasingly purchasing more products outside the Top 200 than in previous years. These purchases have saved pharmacies about 9% on average off their Top 200 purchases, with approximately 73% of total savings resulting from buying outside the Top 200. Read more >

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