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Advancing Healthcare Safety: EQUASHIELD®’s Role in Hazardous Drug Containment [Webinar]


EQUASHIELD® is excited to announce that we will be hosting, alongside Pharmacy Stars, a webinar on July 11th, 2024 at 12:30pm EST. This webinar will feature the accomplished Stephen Milstead, PharmD, MS, BS, BCSCP. 

Steve Milstead, PharmD, BCSCP is the Parenteral Operational Manager over sterile compounding and the Coordinator over Hazardous Drugs at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, AL. Steve is also a member of the Sterile Compounding Expert Panel (SCXP) with Pharmacy Stars.

In this webinar, Steve will go over the various routes of hazardous drug exposure, the essential protective measures available, the impact possible exposure has on healthcare workers, the advanced design of the EQUASHIELD® syringe unit that minimizes these risks, and more.

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