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Are Short-Cycle Rules Giving You a Headache?

Mastering short-cycle rules can be challenging and confusing. Coding practices can negatively impact your reimbursements if not followed according to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) short-cycling guidelines. To help avoid the headaches that may accompany common pitfalls, like under-reimbursements due to improper coding, it is important to identify the issues and have the knowledge to remediate them to maximize reimbursements and prevent audits. In this article, you will learn the basics of appropriate coding, how to identify exceptions to short-cycling rules, and how coding ensures transparent communication with the plan.

What is short-cycle prescription dispensing?

Short-cycling is the process of dispensing brand oral solids and New Drug Application (NDA) generic drugs in a 14-day or less supply to Medicare Part D plans (National Community Pharmacists Association, 2012).  Read more >

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