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Your Experts in Temperature and Laboratory Environmental Monitoring

Your Experts in Temperature and Laboratory Environmental Monitoring

Hampshire Controls Corp., a woman-owned small business, has been providing monitoring equipment to the biomedical market since 1975. Our products include: 21 CFR Part 11 compliant, feature-rich, PC-based central monitoring alarm systems that record and provide alarm notification of temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions; single and multi-probe temperature monitors in various models ranging from -200 to +400 deg. C.; remote alarms; CO2 and LN2 freezer back-up systems; automatic telephone dialers; rapid response temperature checking systems; LN2 level detector alarms; air flow monitors for biosafety cabinets; and laminar flow hoods. All of our products are made in the U.S.A.


Hampshire Controls Corp.

1 Grove Street

P.O. Box 516

Dover, NH 03821

TOLL-FREE: 866-496-9424

OUTSIDE U.S.: 603-749-9424

FAX: 603-749-9433

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Facilities: Temperature Monitoring (Wireless)