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4 Tips to Help Mid-Sized Retailers Better Manage their Supply Chain

The retail industry has faced significant challenges over the past two years, but the supply chain was one of the most affected areas for retailers of any size. Studies show that Coronavirus disrupted the supply chain of 75% of U.S. companies. Raw material delays, shipping obstacles, and transportation changes have taken their toll on North American retailers, yet consumer demand doesn’t wane. As we move towards fall, retailers are wondering how to prepare for the upcoming holiday shopping season. A recent CNN report found that ⅔ of nearly 7,000 company earnings calls in July included discussion of supply chain obstacles, up from 59% compared to the same period last year.

Retailers currently face a world of challenges in their supply chain and inventory, leaving unhappy customers facing empty shelves or “out of stock” notices. Fast-moving products are quick to go out of stock, while slow-moving products take up valuable space. Worst of all, these out-of-stock moments can occur at the busiest stores in the fulfillment cycle. These issues only compound when a retailer encounters other challenges, such as an inaccurate inventory. All of this requires a careful examination of how you, as a retailer, are offering in-demand goods. Here are 4 tips on how you can better manage your supply chain and inventory anywhere, reduce out-of-stock moments, and keep your customers happy. Read more >

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