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POS Security: How to Protect Your Retail Store Against Employee Theft

Employee theft is a significant threat in the retail industry. According to the Retail Council, an estimated 566,000 cases of employee theft go undetected each year in Canada. 

In 2022, the average shrink rate in retail rose to 1.6%, up from 1.4% the previous year, with external and in-house theft accounting for 65% of this shrinkage.

These rising numbers highlight a growing problem. Not only does employee theft affect the bottom line, but it also undermines trust within the retail environment. 

The solution? 

Leverage modern technology to monitor cashier activity and reduce theft. By implementing advanced Point of Sale (POS) security measures, retailers can protect their businesses and ensure a safer, more secure retail environment. 

How monitoring cashier activity reduces shrinkage

Cashiers handle several transactions daily, making them pivotal points where potential theft or errors can occur. Closely monitoring cashier activities helps you quickly spot and address problems that contribute to shrinkage. 

Here are three key benefits of monitoring cashier activity proactively... Read more >

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