Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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How BestRx Gives Independent Pharmacies the Freedom of Choice

When you made the decision to open an independent pharmacy, having business autonomy was probably one of the primary drivers. However, with local and federal requirements constantly changing, widespread inflation, shrinking reimbursement rates and a growing list of fees, there are many aspects of your business that can feel out of your control. That’s why BestRx is proud to give independent pharmacies freedom of choice.

With BestRx, you have the power to choose:

The type of system that works best for your store.

You can use our traditional, locally installed software or you can opt for a cloud-hosted version instead. Both offer the exact same user-friendly interface and time-saving features, so deciding between the two options boils down to one simple question – where do you want to work? If you only need access to your software while you’re at the pharmacy, our locally installed software has you covered. If you want to be able to access your software, regardless of your location, our cloud-hosted solution is the perfect solution. With 24/7 remote access, the cloud-hosted option allows you to manage one or multiple stores from anywhere. All you need is a compatible device and a secure Wi-Fi connection. Read more >

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