Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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5 Steps to Transform Your Pharmacy into a Whole-Health Hub

Expanding your pharmacy beyond dispensing prescriptions ensures you’re able to best serve the needs of your community. Today, patients are increasingly looking to pharmacies for things like vaccines, point-of-care testing, in-depth medication counseling, and ongoing condition and treatment support. As your pharmacy grows, it’s also important that patients are aware of everything you offer. That way, both your store and its patients can thrive. Here are five steps you can take to transform your pharmacy into a whole-health hub.

1. Identify Care Gaps in Your Community.

Your pharmacy is as unique as the community it serves. What may be needed in an urban setting may not work in a rural community.  So, trying to mirror another store’s “recipe for success” may not be effective. Instead, spend some time assessing your direct competitors and the other health care providers in your area. This will help you determine what services are currently available, how accessible they are, and any gaps in care that may exist. Read more >

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