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Insurance Services Provider for Pharmacists and Pharmacies

Insurance Services Provider for Pharmacists and Pharmacies

Founded in 1909 by a pharmacist, Al Falkenhainer, Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company is a nationally recognized leader and provider of insurance products and risk management solutions for pharmacists and pharmacies. We offer a personalized service experience by providing direct access to our dedicated local representatives and home office team. We have earned an A.M. Best "A" (Excellent) rating* for more than 90 years, validating our financial strength and stability. Our knowledge is backed by research from a 20+ year claims study which has provided us with valuable information for understanding your insurance needs. We specialize in professional liability including compounding, business owners coverage including cyber liability and employment practices liability, workers’ compensation coverage, umbrella coverage, and much more. We are your single source for reliable, comprehensive insurance protection and can offer a complimentary and thorough analysis of your business and insurance coverage. Pharmacists Mutual is committed to maintaining our founder‘s legacy and his simple, yet powerful idea: “Be the best at serving your members, and all else will follow.”

*A.M. Best's credit ratings are an independent and objective opinion.


Pharmacists Mutual

Insurance Company

808 U.S. Highway 18 West

P.O. Box 370

Algona, IA 50511

PHONE: 515-295-2461

FAX: 515-295-9306

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Finance: Insurance (Business, Liability, Malpractice)