Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Join TICKERWORKS at the ACVP Vet Conference in Indiana!


Join Us at the ACVP Vet Conference in Indiana Savannah!

Visit the TICKERWORKS booth, a proud exhibitor and sponsor of this year's event. We invite you to stop by for a demo and to pick up TICKER samples & discover the latest in heat-resistant mold solutions for making RDTs, troches, suppositories, and tablet triturates.

TICKERWORKS is an FDA-registered and ISO 9001-compliant manufacturing facility. Founded by compounding pharmacists, we are dedicated to serving our colleagues through innovation and improving patient care. Our products, including TICKER®, TICKERmini®, Gentle Dose® applicators, and Pebble Beach® molds, are proudly manufactured and assembled in the USA.

Don't miss the chance to test-drive the new and upcoming TICKER® PEN, the latest metered-dose dispenser designed for in-container mixing inside planetary mixers. TICKERWORKS will soon offer a full line of lab mixers to complement our metered dispensing solutions.


Ample Label Area

Reading the information on the prescription label should be easy for pet-parents. A standard prescription label fits over the external surface of TICKER  PEN's Safety Cap. 

Planetary Mixer

Coming Soon: The latest in mixing technologies is coming your way! TICKERWORKS is happy to announce a new Planetary Mixer coming your way later this year and at a reduced price. Call us to let us know the size you need as well as other requirements


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