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Has Your EMS Become a Full-Time Job? Outsource EMS Management for Better Efficiency and Compliance

In the early days, centralized environmental monitoring systems (EMS) were a groundbreaking innovation. They automated the remote monitoring of alarms and elements 

of regulatory compliance, serving as a direct labor saver. Laboratory or clinical staff could manage these systems efficiently due to their small size. But as the scope expanded—from a single lab to entire campuses, or even multiple sites across cities, states, or countries—the number of monitoring points grew exponentially. Today, some systems monitor 500, 1,000, or even 3,000 points. At this scale, the "points" you monitor can almost take on a life of their own. 

The question then arises: Has managing your EMS become a full-time job? And is it time to outsource this responsibility? 

The Impact on Healthcare Staff 

When healthcare staff are tasked with managing an EMS, several significant challenges can arise: 

Diverted Attention 

Healthcare professionals, particularly clinicians, should prioritize patient care. When they are required to manage environmental systems, their attention is diverted from their primary duties, potentially reducing their effectiveness and impacting patient outcomes. The time spent troubleshooting alarms or ensuring compliance could be better utilized directly caring for patients. Read more >

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