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What if your ePA processing tool went down? The risk of a single system.

Anyone in the medical field knows that prior authorizations are an issue. A 2023 survey of physicians by the American Medical Association (AMA) speaks to the "devastating outcomes" the PA process continues to have: 

• 93% of physicians believe that the PA process has a significant negative impact on patient clinical outcomes. 

 1 in 4 physicians reported patient adverse events that trace directly to prior authorization, including hospitalization, permanent impairment, and death.

 Over 60% of physicians claim prior authorizations require ineffective initial treatments that cause delays in care and increase the burden on overbooked providers.

As difficult and burdensome as the prior authorization process can be, it's our industry's necessary evil. We must beg the question:

With patient care on the line, should we have alternatives for our PA processing? What if, one day, it all came to a halt?

The risk of a single prior authorization processing tool

This is one of the scariest issues looming in the prior authorization space: if your favorite pharmacy ePA prior authorization processing tool goes down, what happens to your prior authorization process? Read more >

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