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Total Pharmacy Workflow Solutions for LTC

Total Pharmacy Workflow Solutions for LTC

At TCGRx, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to pharmacy business, and we have designed the industry’s most flexible and reliable solutions on the market. Our solutions allow you to continue to deliver first-rate customer service while growing your business. With products like ATP® 2, InspectRx®, and Beacon®, we can deliver tools or complete systems that allow you to fill more prescriptions using less space, labor, and inventory. All of our long-term care solutions have been designed to address the needs of skilled, assisted, developmentally disabled, AIDS, correctional, and camp patients. By making small adjustments in the software and hardware, TCGRx systems can address the various needs of your clientele.



N1671 Powers Lake Road

Powers Lake, WI 53159

PHONE: 262-279-5307

FAX: 262-279-5360

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