Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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TraceLink Unveils Game-Changing Digital Recalls Solution for Health Systems and Retail Pharmacies

BOSTON, MA (November 7, 2023) - In a groundbreaking effort to enhance patient safety and streamline a largely manual, paper-driven product recall process in healthcare and life sciences, TraceLink is proud to introduce TraceLink Digital Recalls. This innovative solution offers health systems and retail pharmacies a new approach to receiving product recall information and enables them to manage those recalls with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

Managing product recalls has long been a manual and time-consuming process for health systems and retail pharmacies. Often in receipt of scores of paper-based product recall notifications at any given time, pharmacy and supply chain staff face the laborious task of sifting through them to identify relevant recalls, followed by the need to rapidly retrieve recalled products from inventory. This challenge has been further compounded by tight deadlines for patient contact, vulnerability to notification delays, and reporting back to regulatory bodies and supply chain partners.

To address these critical issues and bolster patient safety, health systems, and retail pharmacies need a digital capability that leverages a proven digital network backbone to facilitate rapid and effective product recall notification, identification, and management. Read More >

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