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Cold Chain Technologies (CCT) Has All The Pallet Solutions Covered 

Cold Chain Technologies (CCT) pallet solutions are ready for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Crafted by experts for experts, we understand your requirements and can cater to all your pallet-sized pharma cold chain needs.


CCT Thermal Covers, powered by Tyvek® 

Designed to address short-term breaks in the cold chain, our 100% recyclable Thermal Covers reflect >90%

of incoming solar energy and allow for moisture control during temperature fluctuations. Learn More


CCT Enshield™

The industry’s first reusable thermal blanket system that combines the temperature

control of PCM coolants with the simple packout and efficiency of a pallet cover. Learn More


CCT Edge™

Our brand-new single-use pallet shippers come in a range of sizes, temperature ranges, and durations.

This cost-effective solution is perfect for challenging routes where return logistics aren’t feasible. Learn More


CCT EndeavAir™

 A fully conditioned, leased, reusable shipper that offers all the benefits

of an active system without the associated costs. Learn More

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