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Why a Case-Based Approach to Drug Diversion Surveillance Enhances a Report-Based Method

A Winning Game Plan to Monitor and Prevent Diversion

In the dynamic and constant world of healthcare, drug diversion remains a critical issue. From controlled substances being misappropriated to improper waste disposal, the consequences can be severe, affecting patient safety, regulatory compliance, and institutional reputation. 

What is Drug Diversion?

Drug diversion refers to the transfer of any legally prescribed controlled substance from the individual for whom it was prescribed to another person for any illicit use. In healthcare settings, this often involves employees diverting medication for personal use or illicit sale. Proper identification and management of drug diversion are essential for ensuring patient safety, regulatory compliance, and institutional integrity.

While organizations must audit and monitor for drug diversion as part of their ongoing compliance efforts, a comprehensive diversion program should also consider investigative methods that drive efficiency and identify suspicious behavior before diversion before it occurs. This blog dives into the traditional, report-based method as well as the more advanced, case-based approach that helps organizations streamline drug diversion investigations. Read More >

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