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Put Point of Sale to Work for You

Put Point of Sale to Work for You

SP Central's Point of Sale solution incorporates integrated hardware and software components that maximize operator and workspace efficiency. The scan of a single batch barcode initiates the sale of all prescriptions in the batch — ensuring no revenue loss on unscanned prescriptions. Electronic Signature Point of Sale provides a fully integrated card processing solution with the enhanced security that comes with EMV/P2PE, and allows patients to request counseling and electronically sign for the sales transaction. It securely processes credit, debit, and FSA/HSA card transactions, and is SIGIS certified. Point of Sale also supports OTC and other retail purchases, patient discounts, and payment preferences. ScriptPro’s PharmacyPro Mobile Point of Sale enables you to process prescription payments right at the patient’s doorstep or at their hospital bedside. PharmacyPro integrates seamlessly with your ScriptPro SP Central Pharmacy Management and Point of Sale Systems and offers both mobile dispense capability that is efficient and easy-to-use as well as mobile point of sale that is fully secure and PCI-compliant. Information is transmitted in real time between the app and your ScriptPro system.



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Workflow: POS / Point of Sale Systems