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Register for PACK EXPO International 2024 for FREE with comp code 55J84. Visit Coldkeepers, LLC in booth #W-22106! 

• Join Coldkeepers, LLC at PACK EXPO International 2024

• Register for free* using their comp code: 55J84

• Visit Coldkeepers, LLC in Booth #W-22106!

You'll Know When You See It

Discover What's New in Packaging and Processing 

If there’s one show where you’re sure to find the packaging and processing solutions you need, it’s PACK EXPO International. Nothing beats experiencing packaging and processing solutions firsthand and exploring all the possibilities for your brand. You’ll go home with more ideas than you can imagine, new knowledge from experts, new connections in the industry and a clearer sense of your next steps.

*Non-exhibiting supplier (NES) registrants are limited to 5 complimentary NES registrations per attending company. Non-exhibiting suppliers wishing to register more than 5 employees from their company will be subject to standard attendance fees.

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