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QC Microbial Solutions for Compounding Pharmacies

QC Microbial Solutions for Compounding Pharmacies

Pharmacies that prepare individualized dosages of sterile, high-risk drugs for patients must meet stringent requirements and standards that protect the safety of patients, many of whom are immunocompromised. As a result, proactive quality control is critical to ensuring that a contaminated product does not pose a risk to patients. Charles River offers FDA-licensed products and GMP-compliant services for compounding pharmacists to help maintain control and reduce risks associated with manufacturing in an aseptic environment. Our unique combination of Endosafe® endotoxin testing, Celsis® rapid microbial detection, and Accugenix® microbial identification and strain typing services keeps your manufacturing operations running efficiently and smoothly, lowers your cost to manufacture, and protects your reputation. We purposely built our portfolio of progressive QC micro products and services to reinforce the integrity of your QC program, allowing you to demonstrate a strong commitment to patient safety. By investing in the security of your compounding environment now, you will be prepared to meet the highest safety standards and handle any regulatory shifts that may come.


Charles River Laboratories

Jennifer Boyle

251 Ballardvale Street 

Wilmington, MA 01887

TOLL-FREE: 877-274-8371

FAX: 978-988-9236


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Contamination Control: Quality Control, Lab Testing Services