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PharmaLink | Your Quick Pay Returns Program Literally Could Be Costing You Thousands [VIDEO]

PharmaLink | Your Quick Returns Program Literally Could Be Costing You Thousands 

Quick pay programs benefit returns companies, not YOU! If you’re on a quick pay returns program, it’s likely coming at a big cost...


Hidden fees and murky payment agreements are designed to keep you in the dark about what your real rate is for the processing of your returns. Quick pay rates are often costing you 20% - 40% of your return value!


Are you ever shown the exact value of the manufacturer credits received? PharmaLink always provides you with the ACTUAL value received from the Manufacturer – not an estimate.


Overall value of your returned products can be deflated to cover shortages in manufacturer disbursements instead of using ACTUAL manufacturer’s credit value used by PharmaLink."

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Distribution: DSCSA Solutions Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution Facilities: Waste Management & Destruction Practice Setting: Community / Retail Pharmacy Resources Practice Setting: Specialty Pharmacy Resources