Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Why You're Not Thinking About Your Pharmacy Packaging (and Why You Should Be)

Muscle memory is a fantastic thing. Every day, we wake up, shower, get dressed, and brush our teeth, without even thinking about it. You've done it so many times that your brain clicks into gear, and freeing you up to spend that brainpower on planning your day or planning for retirement (depending on the day!).

The same goes for your pharmacy. You grab your vial, count your tablets, cap, and bag with barely a second thought. But wait, should you? Take a moment to study your packaging. Are you amazed...or are you underwhelmed?

Packaging is a little thing that can make a big difference. How do we know? Do a quick search on YouTube for "unboxing" and be amazed at the amount of time spent admiring packaging. While our modest pharmacy packaging will never compete with an iPhone's, it does make subtle – and valuable – impressions on your customers. Read More >

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