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Why DSCSA Compliance Should Top Your Pharmacy’s To-Do List This Fall

Rumors about DSCSA requirements have been swirling around the industry for a while now. However, between the original deadline extension and the FDA’s exemption ruling earlier this summer, many pharmacies have put their compliance efforts on the back burner. While you may have more time to implement some of the requirements, if you’re not working on the other components yet, your pharmacy may be a in tough spot come November. In fact, here’s why DSCSA compliance should be at the top of your pharmacy’s to-do list this fall.

Smaller dispensers, including independent pharmacies, are not fully exempt.

When the FDA released its Exemption Ruling, it left many independent pharmacies confused about what it meant for their store. Many incorrectly assumed that they would not need to adhere to DSCSA requirements for another two years.

However, while smaller stores may be eligible for a partial exemption, all pharmacies will need to be prepared to comply with other track and trace components, including: Read More >

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