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Struggling to Manage Multiple Pharmacies? Central Reporting Can Help

Operating one independent pharmacy can be hard enough, never mind trying to keep up with several locations. Let’s explore why – and what you can do about it.

The Problem

For most multi-store owners, one of the biggest challenges is simply time management. Often, owners spend countless hours travelling between locations and additional time onsite, just to assess how each pharmacy is performing. Over time, this inefficient process is not only physically and mentally draining, but it’s costly too.

The Solution

We know, you’re probably thinking, “I know, but there’s nothing I can do about it.” However, that’s not true! BestRx has a simple, effective solution that can help, Central Reporting.

Using an online portal, the Central Reporting feature provides pharmacy owners with access to vital reports for one or multiple stores in one convenient place. Available reports include: Read More > 

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