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ControlCheck: Drug Diversion through AI and Machine Learning

As hospitals wrestle with the complexities of diversion management, the urgency for comprehensive, accurate, and integrated solutions grows ever more critical. This statement is substantiated by the 2023-24 Hospital Pharmacy Operations Report (HPOR), indicating that 66 percent of respondents say that a drug diversion platform reduces hours spent resolving variances.


ControlCheck, Bluesight’s advanced cloud-based software, helps health facilities proactively address drug diversion by leveraging AI to analyze patterns from automated dispensing cabinets and electronic medical records, drawing insights from over 500 partner hospitals.

This system provides a trusted controlled substance diversion prevention program with clinically driven workflows, cross-departmental cooperation, and cutting-edge unsupervised machine learning analytics to identify possible issues.

In minutes, ControlCheck audits all controlled substance administrations and applies best-practice documentation across all clinical areas.

In healthcare’s high-stakes environment, addressing drug diversion requires a proactive, multifaceted approach. Using ControlCheck protects patients, maintains integrity, and reduces risks while safeguarding the well-being of healthcare professionals and the broader community.

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This post is related to:

Software: Drug Diversion Monitoring, Diversion Prevention