Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Methotrexate Available for Preorder Now!

Back in July, we proudly announced that we were stepping into the oncology shortage market to serve as a reliable supplier for hospitals and healthcare systems. We are excited to follow through on that commitment by offering methotrexate for preorder now!

Product Details: 

• 25 mg/mL, 40 mL in a 50 ml vial

• 90-day Beyond Use Date (BUD) (with plans to extend further)

• Preservative-Free, controlled room temperature

As one of the first 503B outsourcing suppliers to take on this challenge, we are dedicated to ensuring a steady and dependable supply of critical oncology drugs for healthcare providers during national shortages.

For more details or to place a preorder: 

• Contact your STAQ Pharma account representative

• Visit our contact page:

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