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Turning 340B Into a Rebate Program a Non-Starter

Unilateral Imposition of Rebate Model for the 340B Program is a Non-Starter

By Ted Slafsky

If things were not difficult enough already for 340B providers, hospitals woke up on Friday morning to an announcement that one of the world’s biggest drug manufacturers was moving forward with a plan to convert the 340B program to a rebate model—rather than an upfront discount—for two of its top-selling prescription drugs.

On Aug. 23, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), the New Jersey-based giant, which topped all drug manufacturers with over $85 billion in revenue in 2023, told the approximately 1,200 disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) in the program that starting Oct. 15 they would only be able to access 340B discounts for the blood thinner, Xarelto, and the plaque psoriasis treatment, Stelara, after submitting claims data to a third party J&J has hired to evaluate the data to ensure compliance. Read More > 

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