2018 marks our 23rd year in business. NPR has worked to become a premier National Reverse Distributor. We look forward to 2018 being a rewarding year for the pharmaceutical industry. NPR remains one of the first and only of a few reverse distributors remaining in the country that is VAWD (Verified-Accredited Wholesaler Distributors) accredited through NABP (National Association of Boards of Pharmacy)(www.nabp.pharmacy). NPR is licensed to handle CI-CV Controlled Substances and complies with all regulatory licensing agencies. Working to a higher standard, we demonstrate our commitment to customer pharmacies, wholesalers, and manufacturers in the reverse distribution process. Working diligently to provide a greater level of service maximizes your net return value and drug security. NPR offers a wide variety of program features including: interactive website porthole, free tracking, no upfront costs, free shipping, free indated morgue holding, free disposal, hazardous waste disposal, and DEA Control (CI-CV) processing and disposal. Call one of our customer care representatives to learn how our programs can benefit you today and your future.
National Pharmaceutical
Returns, Inc.
4164 NW Urbandale Drive
Urbandale, IA 50322
TOLL-FREE: 800-470-7725
FAX: 515-252-7727
This post is related to:
Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution